Once the student is accepted to a college or university, they will receive a financial aid letter stipulating what level of assistance is being offered. These letters are all couched in different terms. Costs and aid are listed differently, and you can’t be sure what you’ve been offered or which school is the best deal.
It is essential to compare these offers, as each will undoubtedly be different, and those that provide the most dollar assistance may cost the family more in the long run. Here is a list of tips to use in comparing packages:
Let Campus Financial lay it out for you with our exclusive Funding Analysis. For each college or university, you will receive a data sheet detailing costs, Estimated Family Contribution, and financial aid awards. It calculates for you exactly what you are receiving, how it affects the bottom line, and what it means financially for the family monthly. From a budget standpoint, it gives it to you in black and white. In addition, it shows you how your award stacks up against the schools’ historical distribution of aid. Did you receive as much grant money as the average student attending that college? It could be a reason to call and discuss additional assistance.
We’re here to help! Simply call (804) 937-2288 to discuss your options.
Phone: (804) 937-2288
Email: info@campusfinancial.net
Address: 6008 Sedgefield Road, Midlothian, VA 23112